Saturday, February 8, 2014

Vision of Future Media World

The media world is always changing and evolving into something bigger and better. The reason for media used to be for accessing email and a small amount of research, but now it is a way of life. The outlets of media are all around us, therefore accessible at all time. Most people use media such as cell-phones, laptops, and tablets to read about their news and entertainment. The old fashioned crowds are still accessing newspapers and magazines but the production of paper outlets are quickly diminishing. Every-day life has evolved and the fast paced life is made for media to be at our fingertips to make life easier, yet more complicated. More stores hold Wi-Fi in order to entice more shoppers to use their apps or to make people stay longer in coffees shops. Places like Atlanta Bread and Dunkin Donuts advertise their Wi-Fi in order to hold customers longer, in return spending more money in their store. It has become easy to find weather updates, latest sports news, or even find the stores with best sales through the use of advanced media, but along with the benefits comes issues. The media outlets have evolved in to a major social media network. The creator of Facebook has said that they are creating a web where the default is social. Social media has already started to take over every-day life; I imagine in five years social media will be a psychological necessity. The effects of social media are addicting because people want to be involved in multiple lives without having to get too close. Personal relationships have decreased since the creation of Facebook, MySpace, and all the other typical outlets. Communication through the internet is much easier than face to face and too many audiences have begun to rely on these social media for most of their information. People receive their news updates, social status updates, search bars, movie reviews, and countless other forms of entertainment, all from their social media website. The future is fast-paced, easy, and quick; and unfortunately social media is the only way to keep up.